Find local businesses selling everything from organic food and natural cosmetics to clothing, active wear and artisanal products

Founder Hannah is on a mission to simplify sustainable living so that it is accessible to everyone. She created this platform to promote reusable and sustainable products as a path to reduced waste living.

Organic JB Portals
With 11 years of trading at their Puerto Portals site, Organic JB Portals Boutique Butcher is definitely part of the community here on the island, and has amassed a loyal clientele. But what makes Organic JB Portals different to any other old butcher I hear you ask? Owner Jaime’s story is unique, and has driven him to deliver exceptional quality products that you, as the consumer can trust 100%.

SUNVIBES clothes and accessories are entirely designed and manufactured at the studio in Santa Catalina, in the heart of Palma.

Cachao´s beans are sourced from Big Tree Farms in Bali and are grown in a sustainable and ecological environment. It is raw, organic and vegan and all ingredients are free from gluten, soya, diary and refined sugar.